What causes back acne? BACNE is caused when pores get clogged.
If you want to get rid of back acne, wash regularly. Use an anti-bacterial soap, and try for washing twice a day. Be careful not to over-wash, though, because this can irritate your skin and dry it out. It is also important to shower as soon as possible after any activity that has caused excessive perspiration.
Exfoliate on a daily to weekly basis to help get rid of dead skin cells that can worsen back acne. Because the skin on your back is thicker than the skin on your face, this is generally safe to do. Experiment with different types of exfoliators - washcloths, loofahs, brushes - and watch your skin for any worsening of the acne or extreme irritation. If you use a scrub, try a sugar-based one rather than one with salt - this will be milder on your skin. Also, reduce the number of times you exfoliate if you notice any bad reactions.
Use a medicated cream or gel like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid if you are going to get rid of back acne. It is best to choose one or the other of these, however, because they can interact negatively with each other if mixed. If you use a benzoyl peroxide (bp) product try to find one with 2.5% bp. Apply to your back about ten minutes after washing, twice a day.