Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It really bothers me how woman have settled to degrade themselves for the price of fame. The term "sex sells" has been taken  full force in this day and age. What brings this post about is the photoshoot done by socialite KIM KARDASHIAN in W magazine. This shoot was so tasteless and nonetheless not shocking. When you are in a stature where young women idolize and look at you as a role model; I believe there should be a level of care into your actions. Its sad that women have lowered their level of morality for fame.

So many women will do anything for a "buzz" in todays' society. Images and actions portrayed by the media and celebrities influence and teach its viewers, that being subliminal or obvious. As America has become increasingly obsessed with celebrities over the past few decades, celebrities have begun doing progressively more outrageous things in order to gain attention. I hope there will come a point in time where women rise and have more dignity!

Pics of KIM's PHOTOS in W Magazine Below:


  1. Yes I LOVE THIS POST!!!! Where has class and dignity gone! SO ON POINT!

  2. They've gone where the $ will take them. Follow the money trail. In America, sex sells. And, the oldest professional in the world is prostitution. It's the same old story: sex and glory.
    3 hours ago ·
